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24th week

24th week

Size of baby: 29 cm
Baby's weight: 540 grams
We have successfully arrived at the 24th week! But also the top of your uterus has reached the belly button and has now about the size of a football. The baby is still very thin, but will soon start to "get fat"! Its brain is also growing quickly, and so does the sense of taste. The lungs develop the "branches" of the respiratory "tree" as well as cells that produce the necessary substance to help get the correct breaths as soon as it goes out in the world! Its heart is pounding... And your heart does too; it also pounds 'overtime'!


...Between the 24th and 28th week you8 should have a glucose challenge test, i.e. a glucose screening test (the so called GCT), which detects whether the pregnant woman has gestational diabetes? This type of diabetes is interpreted as a state of high blood sugar during pregnancy. In case of gestational diabetes, the risk of complications during birth, such as low blood sugar levels immediately after birth, is particularly high and you should get informed by the doctor about the appropriate way to give birth to your baby with safety.
Some women complain during this period for the so-called "acidic feeling" in the stomach. Due to pregnancy hormones, smooth muscle fibres relax, as unfortunately do the fibres of the sphincter between the oesophagus and stomach. So, gastric fluid can enter into the oesophagus causing this annoying symptom. Its mild treatment involves the prescription of an antacid medication by your doctor and of course, what we keep repeating all these weeks, a healthy diet!
International studies have shown that over 12% of infants have been born prematurely, i.e. before the 37th week. Approximately ¼ of these births took place intentionally, which means that the medical team decided to induce labour or to proceed to caesarean section because of a serious medical condition that arose, such as preeclampsia, or because the baby had stopped growing.
If you notice that something is wrong, talk to your doctor right away. Some symptoms to trouble you, if you have not completed 37 weeks are: swelling around the eyes, swelling of the hands and feet, vomiting, persistent headache, visual disturbances (including blurred or double vision, or if you see spots or flashing lights, sensitivity to light or temporary loss of vision), increased vaginal mucus, small blood stains and of course, bleeding, abdominal pain, menstrual-like cramping, leakage of amniotic fluid, more than four contractions within an hour or increased pressure in the pelvic region with a feeling as if the baby is forced downwardly.
These symptoms are very serious and you should get immediately to the hospital, while informing your doctor and midwife. Premature babies born between the 34th and 37th week are generally doing just fine! There can be no forecast, just keep up a healthy diet, avoid smoking and alcohol, get rest, have all regular screenings and necessary tests and follow your doctor's advice closely.

What kind of labour suits you most? Now is a good time to seek the kinds of labour that you can select and find the one that most closely matches your character, your body, but also your pregnancy. Would you rather have a natural labour, so that the father can be present too? Maybe with epidural? Or with caesarean? In water perhaps? Get informed on public and private obstetric clinics, and the advantages and disadvantages of each method and ask your doctor about it!
Have a pleasant week ... and have fun searching!
