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11th week

Size of baby: 44-60 mm
Baby's weight: 5-10 grams
11th weeks pregnant and we are moving steadily towards our goal! Your baby is nearly fully formed! Its skull becomes rounder. Its hands will soon be able to open and close in fists and tiny teeth looking like buds will start to appear under the gums. Some of the bones start to harden. It kicks and stretches and those tiny movements resemble ballet moves in water. You will not be able to feel these movements yet, nor the hiccups that it might have now that its diaphragm is formed.


... At this stage, with the help of calculations by your doctor, it is possible to check by ultrasonographic means your due date? Talk to it, to visualise the period of time still left until you hold in your hands for the first time the most beautiful gift in your life!
You are now feeling better and nausea starts to recede. But may suffer from constipation and heartburn, because of the hormonal changes that may slow down digestion and sometimes loosen the valve between the stomach and esophagus. Do not worry, just remember that all this inconvenience is ... for a good purpose!
And if you see that you have gained just four to eight extra pounds so far, keep in mind that the good part has just started! One pound per week please ... Let's see what you've got!
This does not mean that you have an excuse to indulge to excess eating. And be careful, there are some foods that, unless you're absolutely sure of their origin and way of preservation, it would be wiser to taste again after pregnancy. Such foods include seafood, as they may contain nutrients that may (if infected) be responsible even for brain damage to the baby. In addition, experts recommend avoiding raw, smoked, and canned foods, especially fish, such as tuna. That's because it can contain bacteria harmful to foetal development. Other foods you should better avoid is unpasteurised soft cheese (and milk), raw or undercooked meat and poultry, cold meats, and foods containing raw eggs (salad dressing, for example), because bacteria area also hiding there..
One way to protect your body, apart from avoiding the above, is of course to wash and cook your meals properly. First, wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly (with soap, not just water) and make sure to cut meat and poultry on smooth surfaces, which do not detain any remnants and can be washed easily. Take care of your hands' hygiene every time you wash your food. Never freeze up a product you have unfrozen. Now is not the time for food poisoning! Therefore, make sure to take out of the freezer only the amount you need. Pay attention to food.... "delivered" to your door! Do not trust everything that looks delicious on a take-out catalogue, since you don't know whether it has been preserved and cooked under the right conditions!

Have you tried dried fruit? Isn't this a good opportunity to get started with fruit drying, since you most likely spend time at home? Dried fruit is a great source of vitamins and minerals! You will need fruits (bananas, kiwi, apple, mango, plums, apricots and others), a drying tray (made of stainless steel - not aluminium), perforated or grid-like to place the fruit, and dark glass jars (sterilised) to store them. Ask your mother or look it up on the internet and you will surely find wonderful recipes!
Have a pleasant week ... and have fun cooking!
