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15th week

15th week

Size of baby: 93-103 mm
Baby's weight: 50 grams
How are we this week? Your baby is definitely "having fun" gripping and letting go of the umbilical cord! The air sacs in its lungs can now start to develop and the foetus can inhale and exhale amniotic fluid, the amount of which is increased to about 250 millilitres. Legs are growing more than arms and it can move all its joints. The bones in its body start getting harder. A new feature this week is the baby's hiccups, the precursor that is of breathing... Even though the lashes are still tightly shut, it can sense light. To understand that, if you turn a flash light towards your tummy, you will see the baby moving away from the light! It also begins to form the sense of taste, as well as that of hearing, in a primary stage. Loud noises may disturb the baby while soothing music can calm it down. You can now and then touch your tummy and talk to it; it is said that your voice (as well as the dad's voice) sooths it... 


...30% of women during pregnancy suffer from "pregnancy rhinitis"? Do not be alarmed, this is quite common and it involves difficulty in nasal breathing, the known stuffy nose! Usually it is a mild stuffing, which might be accompanied by a runny nose, but is usually tolerated by pregnant women, which they can put up with until delivery. Antihistamines and other type of drugs are prohibited during pregnancy, so opt for nasal washes with saline, but also ventilating the house properly, which will reduce the chances of allergy outbreaks due to house dust.
In addition, the hormones produced during pregnancy, increase circulation to all mucous glands of the body like the vagina and nose, by circulating in the blood stream. Perhaps vaginal secretions may trouble you, as they may be smelly or change colour and texture. Do not use soap for the intimate area, ask your doctor and he will direct you appropriately.
The second trimester of pregnancy is more relaxed than the first one and more comfortable than the third one. Many couples get stressed about how things will go and how to handle future developments, but do not panic. This is an opportunity to relax, pamper yourself and feel the wellness through activities. Take care of your body, try to understand its needs and to cover them. You're quite emotional, so state your desires to your partner or your close ones and let them take care of you. A little rest... and you'll feel much better!
Finally, this is a good time to arrange the next appointment with your doctor to talk about ultrasound B, whose main purpose is the detailed monitoring of foetal anatomy. It is also an opportunity to take a "peek" at your baby... Set up a reminder on your agenda then!

Turn to other moms (including your own) and talk to them openly about your pregnancy! Women who have already experienced motherhood, can offer very good advice, a comforting shoulder, but also the understanding and support you need. During pregnancy, many women come closer to their loved ones when sharing the unforgettable moments they are experiencing!
Have a pleasant week... and take good advice!
