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34th week

34th week

Size of baby: 44 cm
Baby's weight: 2.3 kilos
And yes, about 6 weeks left until you hear your baby crying for the first time and hold it in your arms. For the moment, your little one continues to grow inside your body. If this is your first child, it may have turned with its head down, like it has already taken place to enter our world. This is not, however, the final position it will take when it actually comes to be born, so it is very likely to change its position again. It keeps trying, swallowing, but also urinating amniotic fluid in large quantities. In this phase, the space inside the amniotic sac has been severely confined, so from now on you will feel it curling up tightly!
By this time, if no problem has been noticed, the chances of premature labour have minimised. But if you are still afraid that something like that might happen, let us tell you that babies born between the 34th and 37th week, may have to stay in the incubator for a few days, but generally do not experience any health problems.


...The red spots that you noticed the other day on your belly (or thighs or buttocks) that are very itchy, are signs of an awkward (but harmless) condition, called "prurigo of pregnancy"? Skin problems are common in pregnancy. Prurigo of pregnancy is probably a combination of itching to the pregnant woman and atopic diathesis and occurs in approximately 20% of expectant women (i.e., about 1 in 300 pregnant women). Symptoms may persist for up to 3 months postpartum. The treatment usually given is some topical cream, if the doctor allows it, of course.
And with all that, the big day is now only a few weeks away! It would be good then to talk now to your doctor about the hospital he is co-operating, to visit it in order to become familiar with the area and of course, to talk with him about the financial part of childbirth.
Also, think about what you prefer in the way you want to give birth, although you should keep in mind that this decision of yours may change in the end. Talk to your doctor about your options and see the pros and cons of each method. In any case (and if there is no medical reason to impose a particular method), the choice is yours!
We can tell you in general that vaginal birth is more painful throughout its duration (you experience everything intensely, unless you get an epidural), but your system then recovers much more easily and quickly (our body is made this way by nature), and it is more economical too. Caesarean birth is totally painless while in the delivery room (performed either with general anaesthesia or epidural), but recovery is more difficult, you spend more days in the hospital and the cost is higher.

To be able to have your undivided attention on your newborn you must necessarily leave some household chores behind, at least in the way you used to so far. So make your life easier! Get the necessary products that can be stored in cabinets, such as canned food, multipacks, pasta, rice etc, even detergents and other cleaning products for the home. Take a few more, so that you do not have run in the last minute (you will not have the time you have right now). An idea! You can cook some dishes or prepare portions of meat and fish (cleaned, washed and cut into portions) and freeze then, until its time to cook them!
Have a pleasant week... and have fun storing!
