What Do You Do for Your Child’s Safety?
My collaboration with Babylino has taken me down new "paths" of thought. In this post, inspired by the topic of helmets, I want to discuss everything a mother does when it comes to her child’s SAFETY.
A mother’s #1 priority is her child’s safety.

With Babylino, we realized that whether it’s choosing the right diaper or deciding never to let my child leave the house on a bike without a helmet, the common denominator is always a mother’s concern for her child’s safety.
I try to remember myself before becoming a mom, and I can confidently say that safety rarely crossed my mind back then. Sure, I cared about my own safety, but my thoughts on the subject stopped there.
From the day I had Odysseas, it’s not just that I care about my children’s safety—it’s almost instinctual or automatic. The moment I see something that goes against this new perspective, it deeply unsettles me. I can’t bear to see kids riding scooters without helmets, children in cars not buckled into their seats, or families at restaurants where parents are smoking near their kids’ faces.
On the other hand, I can’t hide my joy when friends or acquaintances, avid smokers, decide to quit for good—often overnight—after holding a positive pregnancy test in their hands.
You see, deciding to become a parent isn’t something you do on a whim. It requires strong foundations and significant personal sacrifices.
Many parents choose to quit smoking. I understand how difficult this is, but what an incredible accomplishment it is.

Many moms, myself included, choose not to have a second glass of wine during an evening out (whenever that happens!). Why? Because you know your baby is sleeping at home, and you want to return 100% sober.

We become obsessive about safety in sports. Helmets, knee pads, shin guards—whatever it takes to protect our children’s fragile bodies.

We choose cotton! 100% cotton clothing and sheets—anything that’s gentle on sensitive baby skin.

When it comes to vegetables and fruits, we opt for organic whenever possible or visit farmer’s markets to buy produce with minimal chemicals.

For our babies’ diapers, we choose ones made with certified safe materials—not just soft ones. A diaper, essentially a baby’s “underwear” for the first years of life, needs to be made from thoroughly tested, completely safe materials—and we need proof of that.
My friends and I choose Greek-made Babylino Sensitive Cotton Soft diapers because, among other certifications:
- They are Medically Tested and the only diapers awarded a Product Safety Award by the European Commission.
- They are the first diapers in Europe certified with the OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100, verifying the absence of more than 200 harmful substances.
- Clinically tested with excellent results after a 4-weeks study on babies under the supervision of dermatologists and paediatricians at the Dermatest Dermatological Laboratory.
- For these reasons, they are recommended by the Hellenic Midwives Association Click here for more details!

Every small action, every small decision, creates a butterfly effect. Each small thought about changing our habits builds a safer environment for our babies, and isn’t that what we ultimately want to provide for them?
So, what do you do for your children’s safety?
Check out the video I prepared here and, of course, share your ideas with me!
With all my love,