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Mother’s Day | The Most Precious Jewelry You’ll Ever Wear Around Your Neck Are Your Children’s Arms

This Mother’s Day, I decided to share with you 10 moments, 10 memories that bring tears to my eyes every time I think about them. I’m one of those moms who, even as I complain, saying, “I can’t wait for them to grow up so we can finally communicate,” in the very same moment, I wish they could stay babies forever—to never lose that baby smell, those “firsts” for everything, those hugs and kisses.

1. The First Mother’s Day: When You First Feel Your Baby

Ah! That’s when you suddenly feel like a mom. You may not have held your baby in your arms yet, but suddenly, you and that tiny little being swimming inside you are unbreakably connected. Now you know—it’s there. Swimming, hearing you, feeling you. You talk to him/her, care about, and wait eagerly for the next kick. And the stronger the kick, the greater your joy. A little foot! An elbow! Could that be its head?

2. The First Hug

Whenever I have a tough day, I close my eyes and think about those moments. Her first cry, my anxiety about whether I’d hear it, the moment I saw her for the first time and held her in my arms... The first time her dad hugged her and said, “Welcome to the family, little one,” the photo of her tiny feet, and our friends waiting outside the delivery room. How lucky we are to experience such emotions.

3. Breastfeeding

That unique bond. Breastfeeding is the ultimate connection between a mother and her baby.
Challenging, painful, and demanding—at least in my case—but at the same time, so uniquely magical.

4. Realizing They’re Growing Up

The developmental leaps of children are unimaginable. Their interaction with technology is almost shocking, and their minds are like giant sponges, ready to absorb every piece of information—even the things you whisper softly to your partner. They hear it. And remember it! A new generation of 2030 citizens is coming at full speed. Get ready!

5. The Countless Diaper Changes

Who would have thought that what once seemed like Mission Impossible before becoming a parent would now be a favorite daily habit! With Babylino in hand, you try to calm the little “monster” who wants to jump on the couch!

And then you see those chubby little thighs you just want to nibble on! They smile, and you smile back, turning a one-minute diaper change into a ten-minute bonding session.

6. The Walks

Oh, those walks. Challenging sidewalks with one baby in a stroller and another in your arms, you try to let them absorb as many images and experiences as possible.
"Babies are like trees," our paediatrician used to say. "The more images they see, the more their branches grow and blossom."


7. The Before and After… in a Hug

You see them hugging, and you’re moved every time. Your past and your future in one image. One hug. Unbreakably connected by a love that only a grandmother knows. As they say, “Your child’s child is doubly your child.”

8. The First Trip

Will we manage? How will we get on the boat? Will they enjoy themselves? Did I pack everything? So many worries, yet those little beings enjoy the holidays, the sea, and the relaxation as much as the adults. And the trip changes—it takes on a whole new meaning. Because now, you’re together. And it’s wonderful.

9. The Two of Them Together

In Odysseas’ journal, when Iriana was born, I wrote: “In your life, I’ll try to give you as much as I can, but today, your dad and I brought you the most important gift: your sister.”
As an only child, I’ve lived with the fear of loneliness. I’ve always envied my friends who had siblings. I love big families and believe wholeheartedly in the bond of blood. When I see them together, I’m always moved. It’s something I can’t get over.

10. Motherhood

The most sacred thing in the world. Whether you give birth naturally or adopt a child, you have the unique blessing of experiencing the ultimate emotion:
To love another being unconditionally and without limits. To put yourself second and live, breathe, and exist to ensure this little one is healthy and happy.

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This Mother’s Day, Give a Double Hug

One big hug for your children, and an even bigger one for your mom.

With all my love,

"A quarter-hour of motherhood is enough for ten lifetimes, and even then, something will remain to cry out in moments of great danger."
~ Odysseas Elytis

Special thanks to Babylino Sensitive for supporting this article!