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Treating Constipation

Infants are considered to suffer from constipation when they have less frequent bowel movements, every 5-6 days, and of hard texture. However, the problem can also occur in daily bowel movements, of hard and dry texture. This is a rare phenomenon among breast-fed infants, since maternal milk is considered to have a mild laxative effect. Constipation often occurs during the transition from breastfeeding to special baby formulas or when solid foods are introduced in its diet. When symptoms are severe you should discuss the problem with the paediatrician. At the same time you could try the following tactics.

Increase fluid intake
Offer your baby extra amounts of liquids and especially water in addition to its meals. Start with about 60-120 ml of fluids.  Under no circumstances, however, should you replace a meal with water. Water is to be used as a supplement.

Try fruit juices
If the attempt with water does not seem to bring results, try with a similar quantity of fresh apple or pear juice

Try plums
Furthermore, if the infant has been introduced to solid food, try to progressively add small amounts of pureed plums in pureed fruit meals.
If the problem persists and causes intense pain to the infant, use a suitable glycerine suppository, but only occasionally. After that, immediately contact and consult your paediatrician. DO NOT use laxatives or lubricants of non-water based composition. You can easily find out the composition of each product by reading its composition or simply by trying to dissolve it in water. If not dissolved, do not use it.
Finally, if the problem is reoccurring, try to notice if there are other symptoms too and discuss them with your paediatrician. In some cases, constipation can be due to other pathological conditions.

The nutritional information and recommendations on infant-toddler diet are indicative and refer to general guidance for this age group. Time that every child can be introduced to solid foods or add more to it’s diet, must be individualized. We recommend to set advise from your pediatrician about the specific nutritional needs of your child.