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25th week

25th week

Size of baby: 29 – 31 cm
Baby's weight: 700 grams
And yes, you have reached the 25th week, congratulations! It may seem like a long time for you, because you have started getting heavier, but your baby only weighs more than a pound, for now! Of course, it will continue to gain weight daily. Its wrinkled skin will begin to slowly smoothen and it will look more and more like a newborn. It now has more hair and if we could see it, we would distinguish their colour and texture. 


... If you add a small amount of oats or wheat bran to your cereal or in your yoghurt at breakfast or even at another meal, such as in spaghetti sauce, you would facilitate the smooth functioning of your bowel, fighting constipation greatly? Give it a try, the results may relieve you, especially as the torso gets heavier and your body strives with greater difficulty for its needs.
Also, if you have trouble sleeping, you should know that this occurs frequently and you have yet another reason to watch your diet. Make sure not to eat late at night and avoid heavy and spicy meals, for... sweet dreams! To get rid of insomnia, try to have a stable temperature in the bedroom, not too high not too low. You may need an air condition, to accomplish this. If symptoms still persist, try to read an interesting book or drink a chamomile tea or a glass of warm milk to achieve the much-needed relaxation.
With regard to your daily habits, if your doctor agrees, you can continue going to work and going out as usual. You should certainly avoid going out between 12:00 and 16:00 if it is summer, as the sun is burning and does not make exceptions! Hat, glasses, comfortable and stable shoes, light clothing and of course sunscreen with proper SFP are necessary. If you feel sickness, dizziness, shortness of breath or even slight pain in the abdomen, find a shady spot and stay right where you are. Have a bottle of water, something salty, such as crackers and something sweet like candy always with you. If you still feel weird after 10 minutes or the kind of fatigue that can make you even lose your balance, do not risk it, call someone close to come and pick you up and don't continue your course.
Many pregnant women wonder if they will be ready at the time of childbirth. There is the fear of the unknown, something quite normal, especially if this is their first child. There are specific exercises you can learn that will help you prepare your system, your body, and your baby for that time. Established techniques of labour are the rhythmic breathing for painless childbirth and prenatal massage, which will increase the chances of a successful vaginal delivery.

It is a time to socialise with other pregnant women in a.. class! There are classes that you can attend along with other pregnant women, to talk about your experience, even take prenatal exercises. It's a great way to get in touch with how other women perceive pregnancy, and even find answers to your questions. At the same time you will have fun and relax with water exercises, prenatal yoga, pilates for pregnant women, or even dancing... for pregnant women! And as we said, don't forget your partner! Take him with you, it's worth it...
Have a pleasant week... and enjoy exercising!
