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18th week

18th week

Size of baby: 12 cm
Baby's weight: 150 grams
18th week and just like the "butterflies" in your stomach when in love, so do the "butterflies" in your tummy caused by the baby's movements throughout this period, correspond to a love too! An ever lasting forever!
The veins of the baby are now visible through the skin and ears are in their final position, although they still protrude a bit more "upright" from its head. A protective covering of myelin is starting to form around its nerves, a process that will continue for a year after its birth. The foetus often "tumbles" in your tummy, sucking its thumb. The uterus and fallopian tubes are now formed in place if it's a girl and if it's a boy his genitals are now apparent, even if they can not be seen on ultrasound (perhaps because of its position at the time).


...Kegel exercises can help a lot for a smoother pregnancy? If not, we will tell you why! This is a set of "compression and release" exercises of the pelvic muscles that strengthen pelvic muscles, which support the uterus, bladder, small and large intestines. These exercises will help with diuresis (to be able to have a better control during pregnancy), with childbirth itself (increasing circulation in the anal and vaginal area, to have better birth), but also with better healing (if you get stitches) of the area after childbirth. Why don't you make a call to your doctor for more information?
Your appetite has significantly increased, but be careful with large quantities of snacks. Eat something you are craving for, but put mainly healthy dishes in your daily diet. And yes, I know, clothes start to not fit even more. It makes sense, since your pelvis, and consequently the circumference of your waist, will "spread" and will continue so until birth.
Your cardiovascular system is undergoing changes and you will note having often lower pressure than normal. So, in order not to feel any sudden dizziness, avoid standing up and sitting down with sudden movements. Also, when you are lying down, it's better to lay on your side and even on your left side, because when you're on your back, the uterus can press the veins, thus preventing the blood to and from the heart from circulating properly.
In most cases, if you have a pregnancy that progresses smoothly, you can continue going to work as usual. Just keep in mind not to lift heavy objects, not to climb stairs (at least as much as possible) and generally to avoid anything that may harm you or your baby. Try to get dressed comfortably and appropriately depending on the season, but to wear stable shoes with rubber soles. Also, make small 5 to 10 minute breaks to walk, drink a juice or even just close your eyes for a while and relax.

Soon, friends and relatives will come to you as.. "kings bearing gifts"! But what do you need more for your baby? What are your needs? Create your own gift... registry! A list that contains the items you need (generally, not in detail) or stores that you like. No need to ask for specific things, it is enough to talk to them about the categories that the gifts you want belong. This will help them too not to waste time and money on unnecessary (or duplicate and triplicate) purchases, but on really useful gift solutions.
Have a pleasant week... and enjoy making lists!
