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21st week

21st week

Size of baby: 18 - 23 cm
Baby's weight: 300 grams
Your baby has put another 100 grams and soon you will be able to feel it "training in martial arts", as its initial movements are turning into kicks and shoves! The eyebrows and eyelids have formed and if it is a girl, her vagina has begun to form. You most probably feel very comfortable these days. You are still not huge (you'll understand later what we mean) and the usual discomforts, associated with early pregnancy, no longer exist. Relax and enjoy it! Because the third trimester may bring some new minor discomforts along.


...That pimple you see in the mirror is a small outbreak of acne, which occurs during pregnancy? Keep in mind that oiliness increases during this period and this may cause acne to appear (or worsen). Be sure to wash your face thoroughly with mild soap and use moisturiser. Ask your doctor and if you can apply some acne product locally, because most likely you will not be allowed to get any relevant medication.
And now, let's go to something more pleasant! Statistically, it has been observed that increased blood flow in the pelvic area stimulates the intimate area, thus creating increased sexual desire! And we do not stop here... The increased vaginal lubrication due to hormonal changes, will transform you into a dynamic sex machine! The position that serves the most in this phase is the position with the "woman on top", as it prevents your tummy from being pressed, but you also have control of penetration, depending on how convenient you feel.
However, your doctor should confirm that you can proceed with your partner like this because there are symptoms that may not allow you to go on and have sex, such as: an unexplained vaginal bleeding, abdominal cramps, a dilated cervix or fluid discharge. Also, if had given birth prematurely at a previous pregnancy, the doctor may advise you to give up having sex at some point during pregnancy and to keep abstaining until you reach 37 weeks. Other prohibitive signs are, if your partner has genital herpes (or herpes in general) or other sexually transmitted disease. In no case! As much as you want to get closer, you'd better stay away!
There is of course another portion of women that doesn't want to know anything about sexual stimulation during pregnancy! On one hand minor pain, on the other bloating and puffiness (not to mention the many extra pounds) do not help them feel desirable. On the contrary, they feel uncomfortable and embarrassed before their partner. But a hug, a kiss and a caress from him, if they let go for a while, can ease emotional stress and restore intimacy and tenderness they need between them.

Schedule a romantic "getaway"... even if you stay indoors! Now that you are alone at home and before your baby comes, it is a good chance for a physical or mental escape, to relax and have fun. In the first trimester this was not easy with all this nausea and vomiting (apart from the risks), and it will neither be in the third trimester because you will feel too heavy to be able to go away on a trip. So? Take your partner by the hand and seize the moment to be... "just the two of you" for a while either indoors or outdoors!
Have a pleasant week... and happy getaways!
