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Myths and Truths About Vaccines

Do vaccines overload the body with unnecessary antigens?

A child may experience 6-8 viral infections annually, exposing their immune system to 2,000-3,000 antigens during each illness. In contrast, the total number of antigens contained in all the vaccines included in a child’s immunization schedule is fewer than 270. Thus, vaccines do not overburden the body.


Do vaccines cause autism or other long-term effects?

Autism is a condition with a genetic basis and is not linked to vaccination. Modern molecular techniques have identified over 1,000 genes associated with autism. Additionally, improved diagnostic tools allow for earlier detection, making it possible to identify children with autism more sensitively and promptly. Consequently, the perceived increase in autism cases is due to better diagnosis, not an actual rise in incidence.


My child is unvaccinated and hasn’t been affected by any illness.

When a large portion of the population is vaccinated, herd immunity—a “protective umbrella”—is created. This indirectly shields unvaccinated individuals by limiting the spread of diseases. However, if herd immunity is compromised due to a significant drop in vaccination rates, diseases previously eradicated or forgotten can resurge.


Written by Paediatrician Katerina Katsibardi, MP, PhD

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