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Small secrets for carefree outings

There is no instruction manual  on how to become a perfect parent. Such a book does not exist because every small creature, every human being is unique, special with needs of his own. Such a book does not exist because each and every one of us finds out his own handy, “clever” ways in order to face everyday emergencies.
Further down are some functional ideas which may alter the way you face small incidents.

•    Foresee to always have “an emergency bag” in your car. Any clothe-bag or even an old cushion with zipper can do. It is required to have the desired size in order to fit a spare change of clothes, diapers, roll-ups or underwear and finally a pair of socks). 
•    Before going on a ride,make sure you carry along your baby's feeding bottle full of water, or any other appropriate bottle with water.
•    Do not neglect to supply your bag as to always include baby wipes, baby diapers and bed pads.
•    Mommy’s bag is "magical"! It will turn out to be really useful to find a mini pharmacy in it. This mini pharmacy should contain a roll-on for bites, anti-fever dose, small traumaplasts, sterile gauze and finally sterile-water. All the above may be life-saving or placebo for a hurt or frightened toddler.
•    While waiting for your order to be served at the restaurant… Until your turn is next at the bank or in any public service… “Mama’s magic bag” will again give the solution to the waiting... you should find a spinner, a yo-yo, bricks or even pens and pencils in it.
•    During long drives, soft melodies, music for children  and story telling, can absorb some of the frustration or anxiety caused by the fact of waiting.
•    Your car is your fortress… a spare umbrella or a "waterproof cape" will solve the equation of a storm.
•    In the trunk leave an extra blanket. It can often be useful either to fold your baby, who fell asleep on the ride, or to sit down in a park and set up a picnic.
•    A general advice on everyone, is to keep a small amount of money in the glove compartment ... You never know when you will run out of money!