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The baby bag

An amazing activity for you and your little one is going out for a walk!
Experiencing outdoor activities, will give them the opportunity to see a completely different and exciting environment and gain new experiences. Take advantage of your free time and every opportunity you have to go for a walk in the park, children's museums or even to the zoo. Be sure you will also enjoy it as much!

The interaction of your little one with the external environment will greatly assist in developing and strengthening his immune system. Make sure you take all the necessary "tools" with you and get ready for new adventures!

What you should take with you:
•    Diapers
•    Baby wipes
•    Small cloths
•    Two pacifiers
•    Feeding bottle
•    Water
•    His food
•    Bib’s
•    Change Mat for diaper change
•    Blanket
•    Sunscreen (especially summertime)
•    His favorite toy